主要从事水文水资源及生态水文学方面的基础和应用研究。主持完成了国家自然科学基金青年项目《梯级水库对长江枯水期生态水文情势影响的时空尺度效应研究》;作为专题《绿洲湿地退化过程中地下水生态功能退变识别与评价专题》负责人,参与了国家重点研发计划课题《生态脆弱区地下水合理开发及生态功能退变防控机制与基础研究》,所属项目为《我国西部特殊地貌区地下水开发利用与生态功能保护》;作为专题《YL河流域生态系统时空变化特征调查及水生态安全评估》负责人,参与了第三次新疆综合科学考察项目《YL河流域水资源利用及其影响考察评估》课题三《YL河流域生态植被与湿地调查及生态需水量》;参与承担了江西省水利厅科技项目《鄱阳湖枯期生态水位研究及水库群蓄水对其影响分析》和《现代治水新理念及其在鄱阳湖应用研究》,湖南省水利厅科技项目《洞庭湖中枯水位分区调控措施研究》,以及中央高校基本科研业务费、地方水利主管部门服务咨询等项目。以第一作者/通讯作者在《Journal of Hydrology》《Science of the Total Environment》《Stochastic Environmental Research and Risk Assessment》《Ecological Engineering》《长江科性爱直播
- 2004-09 - 2008-06: 资源环境与城乡规划管理 学士
- 2008-09 - 2013-06: 水文学及水资源(硕博连读) 博士
- 2013-07 - 至今 河海大学水文院
- 2018-04 - 2019-03 生态环境部环境工程评估中心借调
- 2019-09 - 2020-09 Oregon State UniversityCourtesy Faculty
- 2023-12 - 至今 河海大学环境院博士后
- 生态水文、水文水资源
- 2015-01-01 ~ 2017-12-31,梯级水库对长江枯水期生态水文情势影响的时空尺度效应研究
- 衢州城区生态需水量研究
- 鄱阳湖枯期生态水位研究及水库群蓄水对其影响分析
- 2018-01-01 ~ 2019-12-31,江湖关系变化对湖泊枯期生态水位的影响及调控,
- 生态脆弱区地下水合理开发及生态功能退变防控机制与基础研究
- 2017-04-10 ~ 2017-12-01,淮河流域重要水功能区入河排污口后评估
- 现在治水新理念及其在鄱阳湖应用研究
- 山溪性河流生态流量过程研究
- Hydrological Changes of the Irtysh River and the Possible Causes,WATER RESOURCES MANAGEMENT,01-JAN-12
- Climate change detection and annual extreme temperature analysis of the Irtysh Basin,THEORETICAL AND APPLIED CLIMATOLOGY,01-JAN-13
- Assessing sediment regime alteration of the upper Yangtze River,ENVIRONMENTAL EARTH SCIENCES,01-JAN-13
- Effects of reservoirs on seasonal discharge of Irtysh River measured by Lepage test,Water Science and Engineering,01-OCT-14
- Flow-Complexity Analysis of the Upper Reaches of the Yangtze River, China,JOURNAL OF HYDROLOGIC ENGINEERING,01-JAN-11
- Does hydrologic regime affect fish diversity? -A case study of the Yangtze Basin (China),ENVIRONMENTAL BIOLOGY OF FISHES,01-JAN-11
- Reservoir-Induced Changes in Flow Fluctuations at Monthly and Hourly Scales: Case Study of the Qingyi River, China,JOURNAL OF HYDROLOGIC ENGINEERING,01-JAN-15
- 长江上游枯水期及10月径流情势分析,河海大学学报(自然科学版),01-OCT-10
- 河流生态径流计算的流量频率区间比例法,水电能源科学,01-JAN-14
- 宜昌站主汛期流量及水温变化多时间尺度分析,水电能源科学,01-OCT-10
- 衢江水沙变化趋势分析,水资源保护,10-DEC-17
- An environmental flow assessment of a river's blocking effect on a lake in a river-lake system: application in the Yangtze-Poyang system,ENVIRONMENTAL MONITORING AND ASSESSMENT,01-JAN-18
- 基于丰平枯水年的湖泊生态水位计算,水电能源科学,10-DEC-17
- 三峡水库运行后鄱阳湖水文情势变化特征,水电能源科学,10-DEC-17
- 鄱阳湖星子站水位变异诊断研究,水文,01-JAN-19
- Impacts of Streamflow and Topographic Changes on Water Level during the Dry Season of Poyang Lake, China,JOURNAL OF HYDROLOGIC ENGINEERING,01-JAN-20
- An entropy-based investigation into the impact of ecological water diversion on land cover complexity of restored oasis in arid inland river basins,ECOLOGICAL ENGINEERING,01-JAN-20
- A framework to assess the impact of ecological water conveyance on groundwater-dependent terrestrial ecosystems in arid inland river basins,SCIENCE OF THE TOTAL ENVIRONMENT,01-JAN-20
- 青土湖绿洲植被指数适用性及优选研究,安徽农业科学,05-DEC-20
- Investigating variation characteristics and driving forces of lake water level complexity in a complex river-lake system,STOCHASTIC ENVIRONMENTAL RESEARCH AND RISK ASSESSMENT
- 水库生态调度下汉江水环境因子及细菌群落变化特征,水电能源科学,05-DEC-20
- Modeling oasis dynamics driven by ecological water diversion and implications for oasis restoration in arid endorheic basins,JOURNAL OF HYDROLOGY,2021-02-01
- Closure to Impacts of Streamflow and Topographic Changes on Water Level during the Dry Season of Poyang Lake, China by Feng Huang, Xunzhou Chunyu, Yuankun Wang, Xiao Zhang, Bao Qian, Dayong Zhao, and Ziqiang Xia,JOURNAL OF HYDROLOGIC ENGINEERING,2021-02-01
- 吐鲁番盆地骆驼刺保护区植被覆盖度时空演变,干旱区研究,2021-01-01
- Assessing environmental water requirement for groundwater-dependent vegetation in arid inland basins by combining the copula joint distribution function and the dual objective optimization: An application to the Turpan Basin, China,SCIENCE OF THE TOTAL ENVIRONMENT,2021-12-01
- 鄱阳湖水文情势演变原因及对策,长江科性爱直播 院报,2021-01-01
- 甘肃省青土湖绿洲生态输水后地下水功能恢复调查评价,中国防汛抗旱,2021-01-01
- Evolution of landscape pattern and the association with ecosystem services in the Ili-Balkhash Basin,ENVIRONMENTAL MONITORING AND ASSESSMENT,2022-03-31
- 生态输水后青土湖绿洲植被覆盖度时空演变规律,水电能源科学,2022-01-01
- 38、咸海流域降水时空特征及趋势分析,干旱区研究,2022-01-01
- A copula incorporated cellular automata module for modeling the spatial distribution of oasis recovered by ecological water diversion: An application to the Qingtu Oasis in Shiyang River basin; China,JOURNAL OF HYDROLOGY,2022-05-01
- 一种地下水采样器,2019-10-15,性爱直播 ,实用新型,3
- 2020年度大禹水利科学技术奖,2020