[email protected]
13、一种基于益本比函数的适宜抗旱能力分析方法,201910048567.9 ,三峡大学,常文娟;马海波;梁忠民;严登华;雷晓辉;王浩;朱士江;孙爱华;郑霞忠;林青霞;董鑫,国家发明专利,已授权
14、一种基于Logistic的抗旱适宜供水量确定方法,ZL201910032841.3 ,三峡大学,常文娟;梁忠民;胡义明;马海波;朱士江;林青霞,国家发明专利,已授权
15、基于空间多重相关解集算法的降尺度校正模型,ZL201710860986.3 ,河海大学,梁忠民;肖章玲;胡义明;李彬权;王军,国家发明专利,已授权
16、一种适应环境变化需求的工程设计洪水复核方法 ,ZL201710338007.8 ,河海大学,胡义明;梁忠民;李彬权;王军;刘甜;郦于杰;唐甜甜,国家发明专利,已授权
18、区域化LSTM洪水预报方法,ZL 2022 1 0438848.7,河海大学,淮河水利委员会水文局(信息中心),梁忠民;钱名开;徐时进;王凯;叶可佳;刘小虎;黄一昕;胡友兵;陈邦慧;毕成琳,发明专利,已授权
13、一种基于益本比函数的适宜抗旱能力分析方法,201910048567.9 ,三峡大学,常文娟;马海波;梁忠民;严登华;雷晓辉;王浩;朱士江;孙爱华;郑霞忠;林青霞;董鑫,国家发明专利,已授权
14、一种基于Logistic的抗旱适宜供水量确定方法,ZL201910032841.3 ,三峡大学,常文娟;梁忠民;胡义明;马海波;朱士江;林青霞,国家发明专利,已授权
15、基于空间多重相关解集算法的降尺度校正模型,ZL201710860986.3 ,河海大学,梁忠民;肖章玲;胡义明;李彬权;王军,国家发明专利,已授权
16、一种适应环境变化需求的工程设计洪水复核方法 ,ZL201710338007.8 ,河海大学,胡义明;梁忠民;李彬权;王军;刘甜;郦于杰;唐甜甜,国家发明专利,已授权
18、区域化LSTM洪水预报方法,ZL 2022 1 0438848.7,河海大学,淮河水利委员会水文局(信息中心),梁忠民;钱名开;徐时进;王凯;叶可佳;刘小虎;黄一昕;胡友兵;陈邦慧;毕成琳,发明专利,已授权
- 1981-09 - 1985-07: 河海大学 陆地水文 学士
- 1985-09 - 1988-06: 河海大学 工程水文及水资源 硕士
- 1988-09 - 1991-07: 河海大学 水文学及水资源 博士
- 1991-07 - 至今 河海大学水文系
- 水文不确定性理论与应用
- 丹江口中长期入库径流集合预报研究,中国水利水电科学研究院
- 2019-03-20 ~ 2019-11-17,黄浦江高水位资料一致性分析,上海市水文总站
- 汉江流域2019-2020年长期降雨径流概率预报技术服务,长江水利委员会水文局
- 河湖水系格局与国家水网布局战略研究,水利部水利水电规划设计总院
- 淮河重点断面中长期径流预报模型开发,淮河水利委员会水文局(信息中心)
- 王家坝、梧州断面水文极大值预测模型研究及研制,水利部信息中心
- 中长期来水预测与服务系统应急完善,水利部信息中心
- 大渡河瀑布沟发电有限公司实时洪水概率预报及不确定性控制方法研究及应用合同,国电大渡河瀑布沟发电有限公司
- 2006-02-15 ~ 2006-12-31,石梁河水库、新沭河及连云港市城市洪水风险图开发,江苏省防汛防旱指挥部办公室
- 2008-01-01 ~ 2010-12-31,基于贝叶斯理论的流域水文模型预报不确定性分析方法研究,国家自然基金委员会
- 2007-12-17 ~ 2009-12-31,流域水文模型预报不确定性分析方法研究,教育部科技发展中心,水文水资源与水利工程科学国家重点实验室
- 2007-12-15 ~ 2011-10-13,三峡工程运用后对鄱阳湖及江西“五河”的影响研究,江西省水利科学研究院
- 2009-11-08 ~ 2010-12-08,尼尔基水库春季融雪径流预报方案,松辽水利委员会水文局(信息中心)
- 2010-01-01 ~ 2014-06-04,重大水利工程运用对下游区域防洪影响综合评价研究——以三峡-鄱阳湖系统为例,国家自然科学基金委员会
- 2009-12-01 ~ 2014-08-31,干旱监测技术研究,水利部黄河水利委员会水文局
- 洪水风险分析关键技术问题研究,水利部水利水电规划设计总院
- 2012-01-01 ~ 2016-12-31,变化环境下工程水文计算的理论与方法,国家自然基金委员会
- 2012-01-01 ~ 2015-12-31,实时洪水概率预报方法研究,国家自然基金委员会
- 云南旱灾风险管理及水利适应调控研究,云南省水利水电科学研究院
- 区域抗旱能力分析评价方法及其表征研究,水利部水利水电规划设计总院
- 云南旱灾应急响应系统研究,云南省水利水电科学研究院
- 2012-05-01 ~ 2013-01-07,基于不同理论的旱灾风险定量分析比较研究,水利部水利水电规划设计总院
- 变化环境下水利工程设计风险分析,华北电力大学
- 流域水电开发安全保障技术研究,国家科学技术部
- 淮河复合河道洪水概率预报方法研究-2,淮河水利委员会水文局
- 洪水概率预报方法研究,黄河水文资源科学研究院
- 面向洪水风险分析及风险图编制的水文计算方法研究,南京禹泽信息自动化研究所
- 江苏滨海港10万吨级航道工程防洪评价,江苏滨海港经济开发区管理委员会
- 水利工程组合影响下的实时洪水预报新技术,水利部国际合作与科技司
- 2014-10-20 ~ 2017-06-05,西藏怒江俄米水电站工程可能最大洪水专题,中国电建集团西北勘测设计研究院有限公司
- 1标段同马大堤防洪保护区洪水风险图编制,安徽省防汛抗旱指挥系统建设管理局
- 2015-02-05 ~ 2015-09-10,PMP/PMF复合项目技术服务合同了,深圳中广核工程设计有限公司
- 洪水概率预报模型集成,淮河水利委员会水文局(信息中心)
- 2015-04-05 ~ 2015-12-06,河北长河核电一期工程PMP/PMF分析计算,深圳中广核工程设计有限公司
- 2015-05-07 ~ 2015-11-19,汉江流域中长期来水预测模型研究,长江水利委员会
- 景德镇市洪水风险综合管理决策支持系统开发,世界银行贷款景德镇浯溪口水利枢纽工程项目管理办公室
- 2010-07-01 ~ 2014-09-25,气候变化对黄淮海流域洪涝灾害的影响及风险评估,中国水利水电科学研究院
- 2016-03-01 ~ 2016-12-05,面向长江流域示范区的基于气候模型与SWAT模型耦合的中长期水资源量预报应用研究,长江水利委员会水文局
- 多重反馈多尺度气陆耦合水文水资源模型系统构建,科学技术部
- 临安市水文信息服务平台升级改造项目,临安市水文站
- 非一致性条件下中期水资源预估预理论与技术,中国水利水电科学研究院
- 水文水资源预报预测不确定性分析及降低控制技术,武汉大学
- 山丘区产汇流机理、模型尺度效应及突发洪水预报研究,国家自然科学基金委员会
- 基于地形地貌参数典型小流域水文模拟研究,江苏省水利厅
- 丹江口中长期入库径流集合预报研究,中国水利水电科学研究院
- 重点江河断面月径流量预测方案编制,水利部信息中心
- 典型示范断面标准化实用中长期水文统计预报模型开发,水利部信息中心
- 中长期来水预测与服务软件系统开发,水利部信息中心
- 中长期来水预测与服务软件系统开发,水利部信息中心
- 河湖水系格局与国家水网布局战略研究,水利部水利水电规划设计总院
- 188、Study on forecast combination of different hydrological models by Bayesian model averaging,Shuili Fadian Xuebao/Journal of Hydroelectric Engineering,2010-01-01
- 191、Runoff-yield model based on statistical theory,水科学进展,2009-01-01
- 193、Hydrological frequency analysis based on Bayesian theory,水力发电学报,2009-01-01
- 190、基于贝叶斯理论的TOPMODEL参数不确定性分析,河海大学学报(自然科学版),2009-01-01
- 194、Hydrological frequency analysis based on robust statistical theory,2009 Chinese Control and Decision Conference, CCDC 2009,2009-01-01
- 192、Role of run-on process of overland flow on hydrological modeling,水科学进展,2009-01-01
- 196、Sdudy on GIS-based Flood Risk Map for Flood detention area,Proceedings of SPIE, 0277-786X, v.7144(Geoinformatics 2008 and Joint Conference on GIS and Built Environment: The Built Environment and Its Dynamics,2008-01-01
- 225、A Medium-term Statistical Method for Rainfall Predication,Proceedings of Water Sensitive Urban Design 'Cities and Catchments',2004-01-01
- 214、暴雨洪水相似性分析及其应用研究,中国农村水利水电,2007-01-01
- 223、HEC子模型在降雨径流模拟中的应用研究,水力发电,2005-01-01
- 195、utomatic mapping flood risk map of reservoir by GIS technology,IAHS Publ,2009-01-01
- 236、水文频率分析中的一种贝叶斯方法,河海大学学报,1994-01-01
- 247、线性动态系统模型在实时洪水预报中的应用,水力发电,2003-01-01
- 197、A statistically-based runoff-yield model,IAHS Publ. 322:Hydrological Research in China,2008-01-01
- 258、滹沱河流域汛期气温、降雨及径流变化特征分析,水电能源科学,2014-02-25
- 198、防洪工程经济效益计算方法研究进展,水利经济,2008-01-01
- 199、基于MCMC的水文模型参数不确定性及其对预报的影响分析,第五届中国水论坛论文集,2008-01-01
- 200、新安江模型参数的不确定性分析,地理研究,2008-01-01
- 202、洪水频率分析中PDS模型研究进展,水科学进展,2006-01-01
- 204、GLUE方法分析新安江模型参数不确定性的应用研究,东北水利水电,2006-01-01
- 201、Application of a statistical method for medium-term rainfall predication,5th FRIEND International Conference,2006-01-01
- 203、多维联合分布计算方法及其在水文中的应用,水利学报,2006-01-01
- 205、长江三江营短期潮位统计预报研究,中国水论坛N0.4--人水和谐理论与实践,2006-01-01
- 206、基于GIS的连云港市区城市洪水风险图管理系统研究,中国水论坛No.4---人水和谐理论与实践,2006-01-01
- 207、SCE-UA算法在TOPMODEL参数优化中的应用,河海大学学报:自然科学版,2006-01-01
- 208、流域场次暴雨相似性的综合评判物元模型,西北水力发电,2006-01-01
- 209、流域暴雨洪水天气成因相似性分析,东北水利水电,2006-01-01
- 212、Runoff encountering frequency analysis of the South-to-North Water Transfer Project (Eastern Route Project),IAHS Publ. 311:Methodology in Hydrology,2007-01-01
- 210、暴雨洪水相似性分析指标体系研究,水文,2006-01-01
- 213、Application of the extension method to similarity analysis of rainstorms in a river basin,IAHS Publ. 311:Methodology in Hydrology,2007-01-01
- 211、Application of a statistical method for medium-term rainfall prediction,IAHS-AISH Publication,2006-01-01
- 215、松花江流域暴雨洪水相似性分析及管理信息系统研究,中国农村水利水电,2007-01-01
- 217、水文模型系统在峨嵋河流域洪水模拟中的应用,水科学进展,2006-01-01
- 216、水文频率分析中修改双权函数法的研究与应用,水力发电,2007-01-01
- 219、Design Floods under impact of small-medium size reservoirs in upper-stream,Proceedings of the International Conference on Monitoring, Prediction and Mitigation of Water-Related Disasters,2005-01-01
- 218、修河流域防洪调度系统开发若干关键技术讨论,人民长江,2006-01-01
- 220、Prediction for the Runoff of the Mountain -pass Stations of Hexi Area in Gansu Province in China,UNESCO-IHP国际会议论文集,2005-01-01
- 221、水文水资源学科联合培养研究生模式的探索与实践,河海大学学报(社会科学版),2005-01-01
- 226、Flood Frequency Analysis and Design Flood in China,Proceedings of Water Sensitive Urban Design 'Cities and Catchments',2004-01-01
- 222、水文分析计算中两种正态变换方法的比较研究,水电能源科学,2005-01-01
- 224、多项式正态变换水文频率分析方法的稳健性研究,水利水电科技进展,2005-01-01
- 230、西辽河实时洪水统计预报模型,水利水电技术,2004-01-01
- 227、Polynomial normal transforms in Flood Frequency Analysis,Proceedings of Flood Forecasting and Management with GIS and Remote Sensing,2004-01-01
- 228、多项式正态变换方法在水文频率分析中的应用,全国水文学术讨论会论文集,2004-01-01
- 232、大流域洪水预报与洪水调度管理方法研究,水力发电,2004-01-01
- 231、用TOPMODEL模拟流域径流的应用研究,东北水利水电,2004-01-01
- 229、水文频率分析中的多项式正态变换方法研究,河海大学学报,2004-01-01
- 233、—种中期降雨统计预报方法及其应用,水力发电,2004-01-01
- 234、考虑上游中小水库影响的水库设计洪水研究,水电能源科学,2004-01-01
- 235、PWM法在水文线型假设检验中的应用,河海大学学报,1993-01-01
- 237、随机水文模型赫斯特系数的统计规律研究,河海大学学报,1994-01-01
- 238、A Bayesian Method in Hydrological Frequency Analysis,Annual report of science and technoogy of JHU,1995-01-01
- 243、权函数水文频率分析方法的一种应用,河海大学学报:自然科学版,2001-01-01
- 244、南水北调中线工程供水量风险分析,河海大学学报:自然科学版,2001-01-01
- 240、西北内陆干旱区出山口年径流组成统计分析,河海大学学报,2000-01-01
- 242、甘肃河西区出山径流统计特性分析与预测,河海大学学报:自然科学版,2001-01-01
- 241、A Modifield Weighted Function Method for Hydrologic Fre,International Hydrological Programme,2000-01-01
- 239、洪水频率分析稳健性方法研究,水科学进展,1997-01-01
- 245、一种修改的双权函数法,河海大学学报,2001-01-01
- 249、江苏省淮河流域水功能区达标评价及限排总量,南水北调与水利科技,2014-12-03
- 251、引江济太对太湖流域抗旱工作影响分析,中国防汛抗旱,2014-10-15
- 248、A modified rational formula for flood design in small basins,Journal of the American Water Resources Associatio,2003-01-01
- 250、抗旱能力定量计算的简化方法,河海大学学报(自然科学版),2014-11-25
- 246、Water problems in China,Yeunguam University,Korea,2002-01-01
- 252、AquaCrop模型在农业旱灾损失评估中的应用,南水北调与水利科技,2014-08-27
- 253、云南南盘江上游旱灾风险定量评估研究,南水北调与水利科技,2014-06-11
- 254、淮安市二河饮用水源地水质评价,南水北调与水利科技,2014-05-07
- 260、Drought assessment and uncertainty analysis for Dapoling basin,NATURAL HAZARDS,2014-01-01
- A statistically based runoff-yield model coupling infiltration excess and saturation excess mechanisms,HYDROLOGICAL PROCESSES,01-JAN-12
- 255、基于跳跃性诊断的非一致性水文频率分析,人民黄河,2014-06-12
- 2、Bayesian flood frequency analysis in the light of model and parameter uncertainties,STOCHASTIC ENVIRONMENTAL RESEARCH AND RISK ASSESSMENT,01-JAN-12
- 259、Nash汇流模型在无资料地区的应用,水电能源科学,2014-02-25
- 3、Impact of the pre-release from Three Gorges Reservoir on flood control in Poyang Lake using a copula-based approach,Shuikexue Jinzhan/Advances in Water Science,01-JAN-12
- 261、Hydrologic response of a high altitude glacierized basin in the central Tibetan Plateau,GLOBAL AND PLANETARY CHANGE,2014-07-20
- 4、Determination of design hydrologic characteristics with sampling uncertainty considerations,Shuikexue Jinzhan/Advances in Water Science,01-JAN-13
- 262、Effects of Climate Variations and Human Activities on Runoff in the Zoige Alpine Wetland in the Eastern Edge of the Tibetan Plateau,JOURNAL OF HYDROLOGIC ENGINEERING,2014-05-01
- 5、Application of Bayesian Model Averaging Approach to Multimodel Ensemble Hydrologic Forecasting,JOURNAL OF HYDROLOGIC ENGINEERING,01-JAN-13
- Hydrologic response of a high altitude glacierized basin in the central Tibetan Plateau,GLOBAL AND PLANETARY CHANGE,2014-07-20
- 6、Special Section on Sustainable Development of Water Resources and Protection of the Aquatic Ecological System Introduction,JOURNAL OF HYDROLOGIC ENGINEERING,01-JAN-13
- 267、BFS在洪水预报中的应用与改进,河海大学学报(自然科学版),2012-01-07
- 8、Special Section on Sustainable Development of Water Resources and Protection of the Aquatic Ecological System Introduction,JOURNAL OF HYDROLOGIC ENGINEERING,01-JAN-13
- 269、Self-adapting real-time correction mode for flood forecast based on Bayesian theory,Proceeding of international symposium on climate change and water,2011-04-07
- 9、Application of Bayesian approach to hydrological frequency analysis,SCIENCE CHINA-TECHNOLOGICAL SCIENCES,01-JAN-11
- 266、Uncertainty analysis of SPI calculation and drought assessment based on the application of Bootstrap,International Journal of Climatology,2015-06-01
- 7、Uncertainty Assessment of Hydrological Frequency Analysis Using Bootstrap Method,MATHEMATICAL PROBLEMS IN ENGINEERING,01-JAN-13
- 262、Effects of Climate Variations and Human Activities on Runoff in the Zoige Alpine Wetland in the Eastern Edge of the Tibetan Plateau,JOURNAL OF HYDROLOGIC ENGINEERING,2014-05-01
- 10、Impact on regional industrial structure by the project of basin water transfer,2011 2nd International Conference on Artificial Intelligence, Management Science and Electronic Commerce, AIMSEC 2011 - Proceedings,01-JAN-11
- 264、Evaluation of drought and wetness episodes in a cold region (Northeast China) since 1898 with different drought indices,NATURAL HAZARDS,2014-01-01
- 11、Advances in hydrological frequency analysis of non-stationary time series,Shuikexue Jinzhan/Advances in Water Science,01-JAN-11
- 268、GIS DEVELOPMENT AND APPLICATION IN AUTOMATIC DRAWING FLOOD RISK MAP,Journal of Engineering and Technology,2012-07-07
- 15、基于GIS的水库洪水风险图的编制,河海大学学报,01-JAN-10
- 263、A modified weighted function method for parameter estimation of Pearson type three distribution,WATER RESOURCES RESEARCH,2014-01-01
- 12、Application of GA-based TOPSIS optimization schemes for dynamic control of reservoir water levels,IAHS-AISH Publication,01-JAN-09
- 265、Uncertainty assessment of estimation of hydrological design values,Stochastic Environmental Research and Risk Assessment,2015-04-01
- 14、A probability distribution function approacti to modelling rainfall-runoff response for data-sparse catchments,IAHS-AISH Publication,01-JAN-09
- 270、Modified Weighted Function Method with the incorporation of historical floods into systematic sample for Parameter Estimation of Pearson Type Three Distribution,Journal of Hydrology,2015-08-08
- 13、Automatic mapping of a reservoir flood risk map using GIS technology,IAHS-AISH Publication,01-JAN-09
- 272、The Mass and Energy Exchange of a Tibetan Glacier: Distributed Modeling and Climate Sensitivity,JOURNAL OF THE AMERICAN WATER RESOURCES ASSOCIATION,2015-01-01
- 19、坡地径流入渗机制对水文模拟的影响分析,水科学进展,01-JAN-09
- 271、Using the SPEI to Assess Recent Climate Change in the Yarlung Zangbo River Basin, South Tibet,Water,2015-01-01
- 16、A review of hydrological uncertainty analysis based on Bayesian theory,Shuikexue Jinzhan/Advances in Water Science,01-JAN-10
- 283、Climate change driven water budget dynamics of a Tibetan inland lake,Global and Planetary Change,2017-02-12
- 18、Study on forecast combination of different hydrological models by Bayesian model averaging,Shuili Fadian Xuebao/Journal of Hydroelectric Engineering,01-JAN-10
- 285、贝叶斯框架下等可靠度法推求洪水设计值的不确定性分析,水资源研究,2016-12-26
- 21、Runoff-yield model based on statistical theory,水科学进展,01-JAN-09
- 274、Risk analysis of reservoir flood routing calculation based on inflow forecast uncertainty,Water,2016-10-27
- 17、Bayesian method for hydrological frequency analysis considering uncertainties of parameter and model,Tianjin Daxue Xuebao (Ziran Kexue yu Gongcheng Jishu Ban)/Journal of Tianjin University Science and Technology,01-JAN-10
- 306、New Flood Early Warning and Forecasting Method Based on Similarity Theory,JOURNAL OF HYDROLOGIC ENGINEERING,2019-01-01
- 20、基于贝叶斯理论的TOPMODEL参数不确定性分析,河海大学学报(自然科学版),01-JAN-09
- 273、Bayesian Theory Based Self-Adapting Real-Time Correction Model for Flood Forecasting,water,2016-02-26
- 22、Role of run-on process of overland flow on hydrological modeling,水科学进展,01-JAN-09
- 284、西藏雅砻河流域气候变化与冰川萎缩特征分析,人民珠江,2017-01-20
- 24、Hydrological frequency analysis based on robust statistical theory,2009 Chinese Control and Decision Conference, CCDC 2009,01-JAN-09
- 307、Integrated impact assessment method for the water transfer project on regional development,JOURNAL OF HYDROINFORMATICS,2019-01-01
- 25、utomatic mapping flood risk map of reservoir by GIS technology,IAHS Publ,01-JAN-09
- 318、Discussion of Performance Enhancement of a Conceptual Hydrological Model by Integrating Artificial Intelligence by Ahmet Ali Kumanlioglu and Okan Fistikoglu,JOURNAL OF HYDROLOGIC ENGINEERING,2020-01-01
- 23、Hydrological frequency analysis based on Bayesian theory,水力发电学报,01-JAN-09
- 317、On the Operational Flood Forecasting Practices Using Low-Quality Data Input of a Distributed Hydrological Model,SUSTAINABILITY,2020-01-01
- 26、Sdudy on GIS-based Flood Risk Map for Flood detention area,Proceedings of SPIE, 0277-786X, v.7144(Geoinformatics 2008 and Joint Conference on GIS and Built Environment: The Built Environment and Its Dynamics,01-JAN-08
- 276、A probability distribution function approach to modelling rainfall-runoff response for data sparse catchments,New Approaches to Hydrological Prediction in Data-sparse Regions,2009-09-06
- 27、A statistically-based runoff-yield model,IAHS Publ. 322:Hydrological Research in China,01-JAN-08
- 275、Runoff Changes Caused by Soil and Water Conservation Measures in an Arid Basin of Loess Plateau, China,The 7th International Conference on Water Resources and Environment Research,2016-06-05
- 33、多维联合分布计算方法及其在水文中的应用,水利学报,01-JAN-06
- 277、A Stratified Sampling Approach for Improved Sampling from a Calibrated Ensemble Forecast Distribution,JOURNAL OF HYDROMETEOROLOGY,2016-09-30
- 28、防洪工程经济效益计算方法研究进展,水利经济,2008-01-01,水环性爱直播
- 280、丹江口水库流域月尺度降雨与径流预报研究,南水北调与水利科技,2016-02-25
- 32、洪水频率分析中PDS模型研究进展,水科学进展,01-JAN-06
- 281、多调查期洪水频率计算及参数估计公式推导,水文,2016-06-20
- 30、新安江模型参数的不确定性分析,地理研究,2008-01-01,水环性爱直播
- 278、考虑降雨不确定性的洪水概率预报方法,河海大学学报,2016-01-25
- 29、基于MCMC的水文模型参数不确定性及其对预报的影响分析,第五届中国水论坛论文集,01-JAN-08
- 279、非一致性条件下水文设计值估计方法探讨,南水北调与水利科技,2016-02-25
- 31、Application of a statistical method for medium-term rainfall predication,5th FRIEND International Conference,01-JAN-06
- 286、黄河中游干旱半干旱区水文模型研究进展,人民黄河,2017-03-15
- 35、长江三江营短期潮位统计预报研究,中国水论坛N0.4--人水和谐理论与实践,01-JAN-06
- 282、干旱事件重现期计算问题研究,南水北调与水利科技,2016-12-15
- 34、GLUE方法分析新安江模型参数不确定性的应用研究,东北水利水电,01-JAN-06
- 288、A revised drought index based on precipitation and pan evaporation,INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF CLIMATOLOGY,2017-01-01
- 38、流域场次暴雨相似性的综合评判物元模型,西北水力发电,01-JAN-06
- 287、Comparison of parameter uncertainty analysis techniques for a TOPMODEL application,STOCHASTIC ENVIRONMENTAL RESEARCH AND RISK ASSESSMENT,2017-01-01
- 39、流域暴雨洪水天气成因相似性分析,东北水利水电,01-JAN-06
- 289、Safety assessment for dams of the cascade reservoirs system of Lancang River in extreme situations,STOCHASTIC ENVIRONMENTAL RESEARCH AND RISK ASSESSMENT,2017-01-01
- 36、基于GIS的连云港市区城市洪水风险图管理系统研究,中国水论坛No.4---人水和谐理论与实践,01-JAN-06
- 291、A data-driven SVR model for long-term runoff prediction and uncertainty analysis based on the Bayesian framework,THEORETICAL AND APPLIED CLIMATOLOGY,2018-01-01
- 37、SCE-UA算法在TOPMODEL参数优化中的应用,河海大学学报:自然科学版,01-JAN-06
- 290、Estimation of design flood using equivalent reliability method under changing environment,Shuikexue Jinzhan/Advances in Water Science,2017-01-01
- 42、Runoff encountering frequency analysis of the South-to-North Water Transfer Project (Eastern Route Project),IAHS Publ. 311:Methodology in Hydrology,01-JAN-07
- 293、Long-term streamflow forecasting using SWAT through the integration of the random forests precipitation generator: Case study of Danjiangkou Reservoir,Hydrology Research,2018-01-01
- 45、松花江流域暴雨洪水相似性分析及管理信息系统研究,中国农村水利水电,01-JAN-07
- 292、Attribution analysis of runoff decline in a semiarid region of the Loess Plateau, China,THEORETICAL AND APPLIED CLIMATOLOGY,2018-01-01
- 44、暴雨洪水相似性分析及其应用研究,中国农村水利水电,01-JAN-07
- 294、Connections between meteorological and hydrological droughts in a semi-arid basin of the middle Yellow River,Proceedings of the International Association of Hydrological Sciences,2018-01-01
- 41、Application of a statistical method for medium-term rainfall prediction,IAHS-AISH Publication,01-JAN-06
- 295、Development of a stochastic runoff model considering spatial variability of rainfall,Hupo Kexue/Journal of Lake Sciences,2018-01-01
- 43、Application of the extension method to similarity analysis of rainstorms in a river basin,IAHS Publ. 311:Methodology in Hydrology,01-JAN-07
- 297、GFS集合降雨预报的校正后处理研究,南水北调与水利科技,2019-01-02
- 40、暴雨洪水相似性分析指标体系研究,水文,01-JAN-06
- 299、Understanding of critical zone structures and hydrological connectivity: a review,Shuikexue Jinzhan/Advances in Water Science,2019-01-01
- 47、水文模型系统在峨嵋河流域洪水模拟中的应用,水科学进展,01-JAN-06
- 298、变化环境下水文设计值计算方法研究综述,水利水电科技进展,2018-07-18
- 49、Design Floods under impact of small-medium size reservoirs in upper-stream,Proceedings of the International Conference on Monitoring, Prediction and Mitigation of Water-Related Disasters,01-JAN-05
- 296、Non-stationary hydrological frequency analysis based on the reconstruction of extreme hydrological series,Proc. IAHS,2015-08-08
- 46、水文频率分析中修改双权函数法的研究与应用,水力发电,2007-01-01,水环性爱直播
- 300、Method for Probabilistic Flood Forecasting Considering Rainfall and Model Parameter Uncertainties,JOURNAL OF HYDROLOGIC ENGINEERING,2019-01-01
- 48、修河流域防洪调度系统开发若干关键技术讨论,人民长江,01-JAN-06
- 301、An improved moisture and wind maximization method for probable maximum precipitation estimation and its application to a small catchment in China,INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF CLIMATOLOGY,2019-01-01
- 50、Prediction for the Runoff of the Mountain -pass Stations of Hexi Area in Gansu Province in China,UNESCO-IHP国际会议论文集,01-JAN-05
- 302、Prediction of Suspended Sediment Load Using Data-Driven Models,WATER,2019-01-01
- 51、水文水资源学科联合培养研究生模式的探索与实践,河海大学学报(社会科学版),01-JAN-05
- 304、An improved chaos similarity model for hydrological forecasting,JOURNAL OF HYDROLOGY,2019-01-01
- 52、水文分析计算中两种正态变换方法的比较研究,水电能源科学,01-JAN-05
- 305、Multicriteria assessment framework of flood events simulated with vertically mixed runoff model in semiarid catchments in the middle Yellow River,NATURAL HAZARDS AND EARTH SYSTEM SCIENCES,2019-01-01
- 54、多项式正态变换水文频率分析方法的稳健性研究,水利水电科技进展,01-JAN-05
- 303、Daily streamflow prediction using optimally pruned extreme learning machine,JOURNAL OF HYDROLOGY,2019-01-01
- 53、HEC子模型在降雨径流模拟中的应用研究,水力发电,01-JAN-05
- 308、Combination of Multiple Data-Driven Models for Long-Term Monthly Runoff Predictions Based on Bayesian Model Averaging,WATER RESOURCES MANAGEMENT,2019-01-01
- 57、Polynomial normal transforms in Flood Frequency Analysis,Proceedings of Flood Forecasting and Management with GIS and Remote Sensing,01-JAN-04
- 309、Performance assessment of hydrologic uncertainty processor through integration of the principal components analysis,JOURNAL OF WATER AND CLIMATE CHANGE,2019-01-01
- 55、A Medium-term Statistical Method for Rainfall Predication,Proceedings of Water Sensitive Urban Design 'Cities and Catchments',01-JAN-04
- 313、A new spatial precipitation interpolation method based on the information diffusion principle,STOCHASTIC ENVIRONMENTAL RESEARCH AND RISK ASSESSMENT,2019-01-01
- 56、Flood Frequency Analysis and Design Flood in China,Proceedings of Water Sensitive Urban Design 'Cities and Catchments',01-JAN-04
- 310、Changes in streamflow and sediment for a planned large reservoir in the middle Yellow River,LAND DEGRADATION & DEVELOPMENT,2019-01-01
- 58、多项式正态变换方法在水文频率分析中的应用,全国水文学术讨论会论文集,01-JAN-04
- 311、Multi-objective calibration of MIKE SHE with SMAP soil moisture datasets,HYDROLOGY RESEARCH,2019-01-01
- 59、水文频率分析中的多项式正态变换方法研究,河海大学学报,01-JAN-04
- 312、Long-term streamflow forecasting for the Cascade Reservoir System of Han River using SWAT with CFS output,HYDROLOGY RESEARCH,2019-01-01
- 60、西辽河实时洪水统计预报模型,水利水电技术,01-JAN-04
- 316、基于分形理论的新安江模型参数空间尺度效应分析,南水北调与水利科技(中英文),2020-03-12
- 64、考虑上游中小水库影响的水库设计洪水研究,水电能源科学,01-JAN-04
- 314、Comparison of LSSVR, M5RT, NF-GP, and NF-SC Models for Predictions of Hourly Wind Speed and Wind Power Based on Cross-Validation,ENERGIES,2019-01-01
- 61、用TOPMODEL模拟流域径流的应用研究,东北水利水电,01-JAN-04
- 315、基于分位点回归模型的洪水概率预报方法,南水北调与水利科技,2020-10-15
- 63、—种中期降雨统计预报方法及其应用,水力发电,01-JAN-04
- 320、A multi-model integration method for monthly streamflow prediction: modified stacking ensemble strategy,JOURNAL OF HYDROINFORMATICS,2020-01-01
- 62、大流域洪水预报与洪水调度管理方法研究,水力发电,01-JAN-04
- 319、Closure to New Flood Early Warning and Forecasting Method Based on Similarity Theory by Zhangling Xiao, Zhongmin Liang, Binquan Li, Bo Hou, Yiming Hu, and Jun Wang,JOURNAL OF HYDROLOGIC ENGINEERING,2020-01-01
- 65、PWM法在水文线型假设检验中的应用,河海大学学报,01-JAN-93
- Modeling monthly streamflow in mountainous basin by MARS, GMDH-NN and DENFIS using hydroclimatic data,NEURAL COMPUTING & APPLICATIONS,2021-04-10
- 66、水文频率分析中的一种贝叶斯方法,河海大学学报,01-JAN-94
- 325、Bayesian LSTM With Stochastic Variational Inference for Estimating Model Uncertainty in Process-Based Hydrological Models,WATER RESOURCES RESEARCH,2021-09-01
- 67、随机水文模型赫斯特系数的统计规律研究,河海大学学报,01-JAN-94
- 329、Research on flood forecasting based on flood hydrograph generalization and random forest in Qiushui River basin, China,JOURNAL OF HYDROINFORMATICS,2020-11-01
- 68、A Bayesian Method in Hydrological Frequency Analysis,Annual report of science and technoogy of JHU,01-JAN-95
- 328、Seamless Integration of Rainfall Spatial Variability and a Conceptual Hydrological Model,SUSTAINABILITY,2021-03-01
- 70、西北内陆干旱区出山口年径流组成统计分析,河海大学学报,01-JAN-00
- 327、Theoretical derivation for the exceedance probability of corresponding flood volume of the equivalent frequency regional composition method in hydrology,HYDROLOGY RESEARCH,2020-12-01
- 69、洪水频率分析稳健性方法研究,水科学进展,01-JAN-97
- 324、Multi-source error correction for flood forecasting based on dynamic system response curve method,JOURNAL OF HYDROLOGY,2021-03-01
- 72、甘肃河西区出山径流统计特性分析与预测,河海大学学报:自然科学版,01-JAN-01
- 326、Characterizing distributed hydrological model residual errors using a probabilistic long short-term memory network,JOURNAL OF HYDROLOGY,01-DEC-21
- 71、A Modifield Weighted Function Method for Hydrologic Fre,International Hydrological Programme,01-JAN-00
- 322、Nondispersive Drainage Direction Simulation Based on Flexible Triangular Facets,WATER RESOURCES RESEARCH,2020-01-01
- 73、权函数水文频率分析方法的一种应用,河海大学学报:自然科学版,01-JAN-01
- 323、Assessing the Impact of Precipitation Change on Design Annual Runoff in the Headwater Region of Yellow River, China,JOURNAL OF ENVIRONMENTAL INFORMATICS,2021-06-01
- 76、Water problems in China,Yeunguam University,Korea,01-JAN-02
- 330、Modeling monthly streamflow in mountainous basin by MARS, GMDH-NN and DENFIS using hydroclimatic data,Neural Computing and Applications,01-APR-21
- 78、A modified rational formula for flood design in small basins,Journal of the American Water Resources Associatio,01-JAN-03
- 331、Multi-reach joint correction method based on flood forecasting system error inversion,Hupo Kexue/Journal of Lake Sciences,2021-11-01
- 77、线性动态系统模型在实时洪水预报中的应用,水力发电,01-JAN-03
- 332、一种基于混沌理论的“量”-“型”相似预测模型,南水北调与水利科技(中英文),2021-01-01
- 75、一种修改的双权函数法,河海大学学报,01-JAN-01
- 334、基于藤Copula多维联合分布的CMIP5多模式降雨综合方法研究,中国农村水利水电,2021-01-01
- 74、南水北调中线工程供水量风险分析,河海大学学报:自然科学版,01-JAN-01
- 355、A Non-Parametric Approach for Change-Point Detection of Multi-Parameters in Time-Series Data,JOURNAL OF ENVIRONMENTAL INFORMATICS,2022-05-10
- 79、江苏省淮河流域水功能区达标评价及限排总量,南水北调与水利科技,2014-12-03,性爱直播
- 335、考虑资料缺失的小型水库影响的洪水预报方法研究,中国农村水利水电,2021-01-01
- 80、抗旱能力定量计算的简化方法,河海大学学报(自然科学版),25-NOV-14
- 333、SCS产流模型在渭河流域的修订研究,人民黄河,2021-01-01
- 81、引江济太对太湖流域抗旱工作影响分析,中国防汛抗旱,15-OCT-14
- 337、长短期记忆网络在中长期径流预报中的应用,武汉大学学报(工学版),2021-01-01
- 82、AquaCrop模型在农业旱灾损失评估中的应用,南水北调与水利科技,27-AUG-14
- 336、Vine Copula在GCMs多模式降雨集成中的应用,武汉大学学报(工学版),2021-01-01
- 83、云南南盘江上游旱灾风险定量评估研究,南水北调与水利科技,11-JUN-14
- 366、基于Stacking集成框架的水文模型组合预报研究,水电能源科学,2021-01-01
- 84、淮安市二河饮用水源地水质评价,南水北调与水利科技,2014-05-07,性爱直播
- 367、退水曲线与融雪-降雨径流相结合的枯季径流预报方法研究,水电能源科学,2021-01-01
- 118、考虑降雨不确定性的洪水概率预报方法,河海大学学报(自然科学版),25-JAN-16
- 338、基于信息熵误差异分布模型的洪水概率预报方法,武汉大学学报(工学版),2021-01-01
- 116、干旱事件重现期计算问题研究,南水北调与水利科技,15-DEC-16
- 339、山丘区小流域SCS-Nash产汇流模型应用,南水北调与水利科技(中英文),2021-01-01
- 115、多调查期洪水频率计算及参数估计公式推导,水文,20-JUN-16
- 340、洪水预报实时校正技术研究进展,南水北调与水利科技(中英文),2021-01-01
- 119、Climate change driven water budget dynamics of a Tibetan inland lake,Global and Planetary Change,12-FEB-17
- 341、淤地坝拦蓄作用下的产流阈值估算,水电能源科学,2019-08-25
- 114、丹江口水库流域月尺度降雨与径流预报研究,南水北调与水利科技,25-FEB-16
- 345、Modeling monthly streamflow in mountainous basin by MARS, GMDH-NN and DENFIS using hydroclimatic data,Neural Computing and Applications,2021-04-01
- 117、Attribution analysis of runoff decline in a semiarid region of the Loess Plateau, China,Theoretical and Applied Climatology,14-DEC-16
- 343、变化环境下洪峰-洪量组合设计值计算方法研究,河海大学学报(自然科学版),2021-11-20
- 130、Long-term streamflow forecasting using SWAT through the integration of the random forests precipitation generator: Case study of Danjiangkou Reservoir,Hydrology Research,01-JAN-18
- 342、A sample reconstruction method based on a modified reservoir index for flood frequency analysis of non-stationary hydrological series,Stochastic Environmental Research and Risk Assessment,2017-01-01
- 128、A data-driven SVR model for long-term runoff prediction and uncertainty analysis based on the Bayesian framework,THEORETICAL AND APPLIED CLIMATOLOGY,01-JAN-18
- 127、Estimation of design flood using equivalent reliability method under changing environment,Shuikexue Jinzhan/Advances in Water Science,01-JAN-17
- 344、Characterizing distributed hydrological model residual errors using a probabilistic long short-term memory network,JOURNAL OF HYDROLOGY,2021-12-01
- 125、A revised drought index based on precipitation and pan evaporation,INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF CLIMATOLOGY,01-JAN-17
- 347、Improving streamflow prediction using a new hybrid ELM model combined with hybrid particle swarm optimization and grey wolf optimization,KNOWLEDGE-BASED SYSTEMS,2021-10-01
- 126、Safety assessment for dams of the cascade reservoirs system of Lancang River in extreme situations,STOCHASTIC ENVIRONMENTAL RESEARCH AND RISK ASSESSMENT,01-JAN-17
- 346、Assessment on annual precipitation change in the headwater source of the middle route of China’s South to North Water Diversion Project,Theoretical and Applied Climatology,2019-01-05
- 129、Attribution analysis of runoff decline in a semiarid region of the Loess Plateau, China,THEORETICAL AND APPLIED CLIMATOLOGY,01-JAN-18
- 348、Hydrologic multi-model ensemble predictions using variational Bayesian deep learning,JOURNAL OF HYDROLOGY,2022-03-31
- Uncertainty analysis of SPI calculation and drought assessment based on the application of Bootstrap,International Journal of Climatology,01-JUN-15
- 349、A nonstationary bivariate design flood estimation approach coupled with the most likely and expectation combination strategies,JOURNAL OF HYDROLOGY,2022-03-31
- 103、Using the SPEI to Assess Recent Climate Change in the Yarlung Zangbo River Basin, South Tibet,Water,01-JAN-15
- 102、Using the SPEI to assess recent climate change in the Yarlung Zangbo River Basin, South Tibet,Water,2015-10-15,性爱直播
- 350、A Coupled Dynamic System Inversion Model for Higher Accuracy in Flood Forecasting,WATER RESOURCES RESEARCH,2022-03-31
- 104、The Mass and Energy Exchange of a Tibetan Glacier: Distributed Modeling and Climate Sensitivity,JOURNAL OF THE AMERICAN WATER RESOURCES ASSOCIATION,01-JAN-15
- 351、Hydrologic multi-model ensemble predictions using variational Bayesian deep learning,JOURNAL OF HYDROLOGY,2022-01-01
- 100、Self-adapting real-time correction mode for flood forecast based on Bayesian theory,Proceeding of international symposium on climate change and water,07-APR-11
- 352、A nonstationary bivariate design flood estimation approach coupled with the most likely and expectation combination strategies,JOURNAL OF HYDROLOGY,2022-02-01
- 101、Modified Weighted Function Method with the incorporation of historical floods into systematic sample for Parameter Estimation of Pearson Type Three Distribution,Journal of Hydrology,08-AUG-15
- 353、A Coupled Dynamic System Inversion Model for Higher Accuracy in Flood Forecasting,WATER RESOURCES RESEARCH,2022-02-01
- 98、BFS在洪水预报中的应用与改进,河海大学学报(自然科学版),07-JAN-12
- 105、Bayesian Theory Based Self-Adapting Real-Time Correction Model for Flood Forecasting,water,26-FEB-16
- 354、Variable storage behavior controlled by rainfall intensity and profile structure upon saturation excess overland flow generation,JOURNAL OF HYDROLOGY,2022-07-01
- 107、Comparison of parameter uncertainty analysis techniques for a TOPMODEL application,Stochastic Environmental Research and Risk Assessment,19-SEP-16
- 109、A revised drought index based on precipitation and pan evaporation,International Journal of Climatology,26-APR-16
- 106、Risk analysis of reservoir flood routing calculation based on inflow forecast uncertainty,Water,27-OCT-16
- 356、山丘区变动产流层分布式水文模型,水科学进展,2022-01-01
- 108、Runoff Changes Caused by Soil and Water Conservation Measures in an Arid Basin of Loess Plateau, China,The 7th International Conference on Water Resources and Environment Research,05-JUN-16
- 357、基于变动饱和带的产汇流模型及其参数确定方法,水科学进展,2022-01-01
- 120、西藏雅砻河流域气候变化与冰川萎缩特征分析,人民珠江,20-JAN-17
- 110、A probability distribution function approach to modelling rainfall-runoff response for data sparse catchments,New Approaches to Hydrological Prediction in Data-sparse Regions,06-SEP-09
- 112、考虑降雨不确定性的洪水概率预报方法,河海大学学报,25-JAN-16
- 358、多维时间序列突变点检测方法研究,水利水电技术(中英文),2022-01-01
- 111、A Stratified Sampling Approach for Improved Sampling from a Calibrated Ensemble Forecast Distribution,JOURNAL OF HYDROMETEOROLOGY,30-SEP-16
- 114、丹江口水库流域月尺度降雨与径流预报研究,南水北调与水利科技,25-FEB-16
- 113、非一致性条件下水文设计值估计方法探讨,南水北调与水利科技,25-FEB-16
- 360、基于Stacking集成框架的水文模型组合预报研究,水电能源科学,2022-01-01
- 115、多调查期洪水频率计算及参数估计公式推导,水文,20-JUN-16
- 116、干旱事件重现期计算问题研究,南水北调与水利科技,15-DEC-16
- 359、基于机器学习模型的淮河流域中长期径流预报研究,地学前缘,2022-01-01
- 117、Attribution analysis of runoff decline in a semiarid region of the Loess Plateau, China,Theoretical and Applied Climatology,14-DEC-16
- 361、退水曲线与融雪-降雨径流相结合的枯季径流预报方法研究,水电能源科学,2021-01-01
- 118、考虑降雨不确定性的洪水概率预报方法,河海大学学报(自然科学版),25-JAN-16
- 119、Climate change driven water budget dynamics of a Tibetan inland lake,Global and Planetary Change,12-FEB-17
- 362、山丘区变动产流层分布式水文模型,水科学进展,2021-01-01
- 121、贝叶斯框架下等可靠度法推求洪水设计值的不确定性分析,水资源研究,26-DEC-16
- 363、基于变动饱和带的产汇流模型及其参数确定方法,水科学进展,2021-01-01
- 123、Risk Analysis of Reservoir Flood Routing Calculation Based on Inflow Forecast Uncertainty,WATER,01-JAN-16
- 122、黄河中游干旱半干旱区水文模型研究进展,人民黄河,15-MAR-17
- 364、基于机器学习模型的淮河流域中长期径流预报研究,地学前缘,2021-01-01
- 124、Comparison of parameter uncertainty analysis techniques for a TOPMODEL application,STOCHASTIC ENVIRONMENTAL RESEARCH AND RISK ASSESSMENT,01-JAN-17
- 125、A revised drought index based on precipitation and pan evaporation,INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF CLIMATOLOGY,01-JAN-17
- Safety assessment for dams of the cascade reservoirs system of Lancang River in extreme situations,STOCHASTIC ENVIRONMENTAL RESEARCH AND RISK ASSESSMENT,01-JAN-17
- 128、A data-driven SVR model for long-term runoff prediction and uncertainty analysis based on the Bayesian framework,THEORETICAL AND APPLIED CLIMATOLOGY,01-JAN-18
- 365、多维时间序列突变点检测方法研究,水利水电技术(中英文),2021-01-01
- 130、Long-term streamflow forecasting using SWAT through the integration of the random forests precipitation generator: Case study of Danjiangkou Reservoir,Hydrology Research,01-JAN-18
- 133、Safety assessment for dams of the cascade reservoirs system of Lancang River in extreme situations,Stochastic Environmental Research and Risk Assessment,11-OCT-16
- 369、The numerical error of the Xinanjiang model,JOURNAL OF HYDROLOGY,2023-04-01
- 131、Connections between meteorological and hydrological droughts in a semi-arid basin of the middle Yellow River,Proceedings of the International Association of Hydrological Sciences,01-JAN-18
- 368、Nonstationary hydrological frequency analysis in light of model parameters and climate projections uncertainty,JOURNAL OF HYDROLOGY,2023-02-01
- 129、Attribution analysis of runoff decline in a semiarid region of the Loess Plateau, China,THEORETICAL AND APPLIED CLIMATOLOGY,01-JAN-18
- 370、大渡河流域融雪期划分方法研究,水电能源科学,2023-01-01
- 132、Development of a stochastic runoff model considering spatial variability of rainfall,Hupo Kexue/Journal of Lake Sciences,01-JAN-18
- 127、Estimation of design flood using equivalent reliability method under changing environment,Shuikexue Jinzhan/Advances in Water Science,01-JAN-17
- 134、Attribution analysis of runoff decline in a semiarid region of the Loess Plateau, China,Theoretical and Applied Climatology,01-JAN-18
- 137、变化环境下水文设计值计算方法研究综述,水利水电科技进展,18-JUL-18
- 135、Non-stationary hydrological frequency analysis based on the reconstruction of extreme hydrological series,Proc. IAHS,08-AUG-15
- 136、GFS集合降雨预报的校正后处理研究,南水北调与水利科技,02-JAN-19
- 138、防洪工程经济效益计算方法研究进展,水利经济,01-JAN-08
- 149、Method for Probabilistic Flood Forecasting Considering Rainfall and Model Parameter Uncertainties,JOURNAL OF HYDROLOGIC ENGINEERING,01-JAN-19
- 141、江苏省淮河流域水功能区达标评价及限排总量,南水北调与水利科技,03-DEC-14
- 139、新安江模型参数的不确定性分析,地理研究,01-JAN-08
- 140、水文频率分析中修改双权函数法的研究与应用,水力发电,01-JAN-07
- 160、Multi-objective calibration of MIKE SHE with SMAP soil moisture datasets,HYDROLOGY RESEARCH,01-JAN-19
- 142、淮安市二河饮用水源地水质评价,南水北调与水利科技,07-MAY-14
- 171、基于分形理论的新安江模型参数空间尺度效应分析,南水北调与水利科技(中英文),12-MAR-20
- 143、基于Copula函数的水文变量条件组合分析,水力发电,12-MAY-14
- 大渡河猴子岩水库入库洪水过程预报-实时校正-概率预报集成,湖泊科学,2023-01-01
- 144、干旱历时与干旱烈度的尾部相关性分析,水电能源科学,25-APR-14
- 375、A karst runoff generation module based on the near-surface critical zone structure and threshold behaviors,HYDROLOGY RESEARCH,2023-05-01
- 145、滹沱河流域汛期气温、降雨及径流变化特征分析,水电能源科学,25-FEB-14
- 372、非平稳性条件下设计洪水地区组成分析,河海大学学报(自然科学版),2023-01-01
- 146、Nash汇流模型在无资料地区的应用,水电能源科学,25-FEB-14
- 373、An improved butterfly optimization algorithm and its application in cascade hydropower generation operation,JOURNAL OF HYDROINFORMATICS,2023-04-01
- 147、Understanding of critical zone structures and hydrological connectivity: a review,Shuikexue Jinzhan/Advances in Water Science,01-JAN-19
- 374、Merging multisatellite precipitation products using stacking method and the censored-shifted gamma ensemble model output statistics in china's Beimiaoji basin,JOURNAL OF HYDROLOGY,2023-03-01
- 148、Toward Improved Probabilistic Predictions for Flood Forecasts Generated Using Deterministic Models,Water Resources Research,01-JAN-19
- 376、Statistical post-processing of precipitation forecasts using circulation classifications and spatiotemporal deep neural networks,HYDROLOGY AND EARTH SYSTEM SCIENCES,2023-05-01
- 152、Daily streamflow prediction using optimally pruned extreme learning machine,JOURNAL OF HYDROLOGY,01-JAN-19
- 151、Prediction of Suspended Sediment Load Using Data-Driven Models,WATER,01-JAN-19
- 150、An improved moisture and wind maximization method for probable maximum precipitation estimation and its application to a small catchment in China,INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF CLIMATOLOGY,01-JAN-19
- 155、New Flood Early Warning and Forecasting Method Based on Similarity Theory,JOURNAL OF HYDROLOGIC ENGINEERING,01-JAN-19
- 154、Multicriteria assessment framework of flood events simulated with vertically mixed runoff model in semiarid catchments in the middle Yellow River,NATURAL HAZARDS AND EARTH SYSTEM SCIENCES,01-JAN-19
- 153、An improved chaos similarity model for hydrological forecasting,JOURNAL OF HYDROLOGY,01-JAN-19
- 156、Integrated impact assessment method for the water transfer project on regional development,JOURNAL OF HYDROINFORMATICS,01-JAN-19
- 157、Combination of Multiple Data-Driven Models for Long-Term Monthly Runoff Predictions Based on Bayesian Model Averaging,WATER RESOURCES MANAGEMENT,01-JAN-19
- 161、Long-term streamflow forecasting for the Cascade Reservoir System of Han River using SWAT with CFS output,HYDROLOGY RESEARCH,01-JAN-19
- 158、Performance assessment of hydrologic uncertainty processor through integration of the principal components analysis,JOURNAL OF WATER AND CLIMATE CHANGE,01-JAN-19
- 159、Changes in streamflow and sediment for a planned large reservoir in the middle Yellow River,LAND DEGRADATION & DEVELOPMENT,01-JAN-19
- 162、A new spatial precipitation interpolation method based on the information diffusion principle,STOCHASTIC ENVIRONMENTAL RESEARCH AND RISK ASSESSMENT,01-JAN-19
- 164、On the Operational Flood Forecasting Practices Using Low-Quality Data Input of a Distributed Hydrological Model,SUSTAINABILITY,01-JAN-20
- 163、Comparison of LSSVR, M5RT, NF-GP, and NF-SC Models for Predictions of Hourly Wind Speed and Wind Power Based on Cross-Validation,ENERGIES,01-JAN-19
- 166、Closure to New Flood Early Warning and Forecasting Method Based on Similarity Theory by Zhangling Xiao, Zhongmin Liang, Binquan Li, Bo Hou, Yiming Hu, and Jun Wang,JOURNAL OF HYDROLOGIC ENGINEERING,01-JAN-20
- 167、A multi-model integration method for monthly streamflow prediction: modified stacking ensemble strategy,JOURNAL OF HYDROINFORMATICS,01-JAN-20
- 165、Discussion of Performance Enhancement of a Conceptual Hydrological Model by Integrating Artificial Intelligence by Ahmet Ali Kumanlioglu and Okan Fistikoglu,JOURNAL OF HYDROLOGIC ENGINEERING,01-JAN-20
- 168、Modeling monthly streamflow in mountainous basin by MARS, GMDH-NN and DENFIS using hydroclimatic data,NEURAL COMPUTING & APPLICATIONS
- 169、Nondispersive Drainage Direction Simulation Based on Flexible Triangular Facets,WATER RESOURCES RESEARCH,01-JAN-20
- 170、基于分位点回归模型的洪水概率预报方法,南水北调与水利科技,15-OCT-20
- 172、A statistically based runoff-yield model coupling infiltration excess and saturation excess mechanisms,HYDROLOGICAL PROCESSES,2012-01-01
- 173、Bayesian flood frequency analysis in the light of model and parameter uncertainties,STOCHASTIC ENVIRONMENTAL RESEARCH AND RISK ASSESSMENT,2012-01-01
- 174、Impact of the pre-release from Three Gorges Reservoir on flood control in Poyang Lake using a copula-based approach,Shuikexue Jinzhan/Advances in Water Science,2012-01-01
- 175、Determination of design hydrologic characteristics with sampling uncertainty considerations,Shuikexue Jinzhan/Advances in Water Science,2013-01-01
- 176、Application of Bayesian Model Averaging Approach to Multimodel Ensemble Hydrologic Forecasting,JOURNAL OF HYDROLOGIC ENGINEERING,2013-01-01
- 177、Uncertainty Assessment of Hydrological Frequency Analysis Using Bootstrap Method,MATHEMATICAL PROBLEMS IN ENGINEERING,2013-01-01
- 179、Application of Bayesian approach to hydrological frequency analysis,SCIENCE CHINA-TECHNOLOGICAL SCIENCES,2011-01-01
- 178、Special Section on Sustainable Development of Water Resources and Protection of the Aquatic Ecological System Introduction,JOURNAL OF HYDROLOGIC ENGINEERING,2013-01-01
- Impact on regional industrial structure by the project of basin water transfer,2011 2nd International Conference on Artificial Intelligence, Management Science and Electronic Commerce, AIMSEC 2011 - Proceedings,2011-01-01
- 185、基于GIS的水库洪水风险图的编制,河海大学学报,2010-01-01
- 184、A probability distribution function approacti to modelling rainfall-runoff response for data-sparse catchments,IAHS-AISH Publication,2009-01-01
- 183、Automatic mapping of a reservoir flood risk map using GIS technology,IAHS-AISH Publication,2009-01-01
- 182、Application of GA-based TOPSIS optimization schemes for dynamic control of reservoir water levels,IAHS-AISH Publication,2009-01-01
- 187、Bayesian method for hydrological frequency analysis considering uncertainties of parameter and model,Tianjin Daxue Xuebao (Ziran Kexue yu Gongcheng Jishu Ban)/Journal of Tianjin University Science and Technology,2010-01-01
- 181、Advances in hydrological frequency analysis of non-stationary time series,Shuikexue Jinzhan/Advances in Water Science,2011-01-01
- 186、A review of hydrological uncertainty analysis based on Bayesian theory,Shuikexue Jinzhan/Advances in Water Science,2010-01-01
- 189、坡地径流入渗机制对水文模拟的影响分析,水科学进展,2009-01-01
- 2015年度大禹水利科学技术奖_一等奖(省、部级),性爱直播 党委、性爱直播 ,2015-12-01,省、部级,一等奖
- 2015年度大禹水利科学技术奖_特等奖(省、部级),性爱直播 党委、性爱直播 ,2015-12-01,省、部级,特等奖
- 水力发电科学技术奖_三等奖(省、部级),性爱直播 党委、性爱直播 ,2016-12-01,省、部级,三等奖
- 安徽省科技进步奖_三等奖(省、部级),性爱直播 党委、性爱直播 ,2016-12-01,省、部级,三等奖
- 2018年度大禹水利科学技术奖_二等奖(省、部级),性爱直播 党委、性爱直播 ,2018-12-01,省、部级,二等奖
- 2018中国大坝工程学会科学技术奖_一等奖(省、部级),性爱直播 党委、性爱直播 ,2018-12-01,省、部级,一等奖
- 安徽省科学技术奖_三等奖(省、部级),性爱直播 党委、性爱直播 ,2020-11-06,省、部级,三等奖
- 2020年度安徽省科学技术奖_三等奖(省、部级),性爱直播 党委、性爱直播 ,2021-04-03,省、部级,三等奖