[email protected]
- 2004-09 - 2008-06: 河海大学 水文水资源工程 学士
- 2008-09 - 2012-06: 瑞典乌普萨拉大学 水环境分析工程 博士
- 2013-01 - 2015-01 性爱直播-华人性爱直播 副教授(硕士生导师)
- 2013-09 - 2015-06 阿联酋迪拜大学博士后
- 2015-01 - 至今 性爱直播-华人性爱直播 教授(博士生导师)
- 研究领域主要关注青藏高原冻土水文循环过程同位素示踪、分析与模拟等。
- 黄河源头区热融湖塘-融区含水层耦合补排机制及响应研究,国家自然科学基金
- 黄河源冻土区水力联系和水环境研究,中科院A类先导专项
- Using stable isotopes paired with tritium analysis to assess thermokarst lake water balances in the Source Area of the Yellow River, northeastern Qinghai-Tibet Plateau, China,Science of the Total Environment,2019,ChengweiWan,Gibson J. J.,SichenSheng,YiYi,PengYi*,ZhongboYu, 689(2019): 1276-1292
- Spatio-temporal patterns and quantification of lake–groundwater interaction determined in a large water transfer lake,Hydrological Processes,2023.4,Ling Xiong,Ala Aldahan, Ruizhi Qian, Peng Yi*,Xuegao Chen, Kai Li, Jinzhu Fang, Lu Wang, Peng He,37(4),e14867
- Investigation of factors controlling the runoff generation mechanism using isotope tracing in large-scale nested basins,Journal of Hydrology,2022.11,JinzhuFang,PengYi*,MichaelStockinger, LingXiong, JijieShen,615(2022): 0022-1694
- Relationship between precipitation and Be-10 and impacts on soil dynamics,Catena,2020,PengChen,PengYi*,Czymzik Markus,Aldahan Ala,Ljung Karl,ZhongboYu,XiaolinHou,MinjieZheng,XuegaoChen,Possnert Goran,195(2020): 0-104748
- Evaluation of surface water and groundwater interactions in the upstream of Kui river and Yunlong lake,Journal of Hydrology,2020,Jing Yang,ZhongboYu,PengYi*,Shaun K. Frape,Meng Gong,Yuting Zhang,583(2020)
- Disentangling runoff generation mechanisms: Combining isotope tracing with integrated surface/subsurface simulation,Journal of Hydrology,2023.2,Xuegao Chen,Zhongbo Yu,Peng Yi*,Ala Aldahan, Hyoun-Tae Hwang, Edward A. Sudicky,617(2023):0022-1694
- Late Holocene pathway of Asian Summer Monsoons imprinted in soils and societal implications,Quaternary Science Reviews,2019,PengYi*,ZhongboYu,PengChen,Ala Aldahan,XiaolinHou,YukunFan,LiChen,Göran Possnert,Raimund Muscheler,WeijianZhou,Edward Sudicky,Frank Schwartz,Ahmed Murad,215(2019): 35-44