[email protected]
科研成果:揭示了江南春季连阴雨的变化特征,以及高空急流、青藏高原、南岭山脉地形对连阴雨的可能影响机制;诊断了江淮梅雨在1991的年代际转变及其与ENSO的联系;评估气候预测模式中,中国降水极端事件对全球变暖的非一致响应、中国东部夏季降水对非均匀增暖的响应;分析了中国不同区域引发骤旱的水分和能量因子等。成果发表于Science of the Total Environment, Journal of Climate, Journal of Geophysical Research Atmospheres等期刊。
科研成果:揭示了江南春季连阴雨的变化特征,以及高空急流、青藏高原、南岭山脉地形对连阴雨的可能影响机制;诊断了江淮梅雨在1991的年代际转变及其与ENSO的联系;评估气候预测模式中,中国降水极端事件对全球变暖的非一致响应、中国东部夏季降水对非均匀增暖的响应;分析了中国不同区域引发骤旱的水分和能量因子等。成果发表于Science of the Total Environment, Journal of Climate, Journal of Geophysical Research Atmospheres等期刊。
- 2001-09 - 2005-06: 南京大学 学士
- 2006-09 - 2011-06: 南京大学, 大气科学 大气科学 博士
- 2010-01 - 2010-08 美国犹他州立大学学者
- 2011-06 - 至今 性爱直播-华人性爱直播 讲师
- 2017-09 - 2018-08 美国犹他州立大学学者
- 气候变化
- 数值模拟
- 中长期水文预报
- 2012-01-01 ~ 2016-12-31,变化环境下工程水文计算的理论与方法
- 2013-01-01 ~ 2015-12-31,青藏高原热力异常影响长江以南地区春季连阴雨的机理研究
- 草原土壤含水量影响碳收支的数值模拟
- 湿地甲烷排放过程模型研究
- 青藏高原和西伯利亚热力异常影响江南春季连阴雨的机制研究
- 长江以南地区春季连续降水的变化特征及其对土壤湿度的影响,性爱直播
- 2014-10-20 ~ 2017-06-05,西藏怒江俄米水电站工程可能最大洪水专题
- 南方电网流域径流的气象物理成因分析与中长期预报研究项目
- 尼尔基水库中长期径流预报方案编制
- 嫩江中下游重要站中长期径流预报方案编制
- 2018-01-01 ~ 2019-12-31,热浪干旱并发事件的成因机制研究
- 长江上游流域中长期径流预报系统开发
- 2019-01-01 ~ 2020-12-31,极端干旱的速度与强度特征及其发生机制分析,
- Decadal changes of Meiyu rainfall around 1991 and its relationship with two types of ENSO,JOURNAL OF GEOPHYSICAL RESEARCH-ATMOSPHERES,01-JAN-13
- 江淮梅雨空间非均匀性的定量探讨,气象科学,01-DEC-14
- 基于WRF-NoahLSM耦合模型的江苏省淮北地区土壤旱情评估,水电能源科学,01-OCT-14
- Simulating the response of non-uniformity of precipitation extremes over China to CO2 increasing by MIROC_HIRES model,Journal of Tropical Meteorology,04-DEC-13
- Uncertainties on the simulated summer precipitation over Eastern China from the CMIP5 models,Journal of Geophysical Research - Atmospheres,04-JUL-13
- The heterogeneity of Meiyu rainfall over Yangtze-Huaihe River Valley and its relationship with oceanic surface heating and intraseasonal Variability,Theoretical and Applied Climatology,04-MAY-12
- 全球变暖情景下中国东部地区不同等级降水变化特征分析,高原气象,04-AUG-09
- Multi-scale analysis of warm extremes over China,ICIST2011,04-OCT-11
- Decadal variation of different durations of continuous Meiyu precipitation and the possible cause,Chinese Sci Bull,04-FEB-11
- 梅雨期江淮地区极端高温事件的非均匀性特征及其与环流系统的配置,地球物理学报,01-OCT-10
- Changes of Meiyu system in the future under A1B scenario simulated by MIROC_Hires model,Theoretical and Applied Climatology,01-FEB-16
- 物理过程参数化方案对中国夏季降水日变化模拟的影响,地球科学进展,04-NOV-08
- Recent heterogeneous warming and the associated summer precipitation over eastern China,Theoretical and Applied Climatology,01-FEB-16
- 北疆极端降水事件的区域性和持续性特征分析,冰川冻土,04-JUN-11
- The Different Configurations of the East Asian Polar Front Jet and Subtropical Jet and the Associated Rainfall Anomalies over Eastern China in Summer,Journal of Climate,04-NOV-14
- The Atmospheric Moisture Residence Time and Reference Time for Moisture Tracking over China,JOURNAL OF HYDROMETEOROLOGY,01-JAN-18
- Can reanalysis datasets describe the persistent temperature and precipitation extremes over China?,THEORETICAL AND APPLIED CLIMATOLOGY,01-JAN-17
- Temporal and spatial variations of soil moisture - Precipitation feedback in East China during the East Asian summer monsoon period: A sensitivity study,ATMOSPHERIC RESEARCH,01-JAN-18
- A modeling study of the influence of initial soil moisture on summer precipitation during the East Asian summer monsoon,DYNAMICS OF ATMOSPHERES AND OCEANS,01-JAN-19
- Decadal changes of Meiyu rainfall around 1991 and its relationship with two types of ENSO,JOURNAL OF GEOPHYSICAL RESEARCH-ATMOSPHERES,2013-01-01
- 江淮梅雨空间非均匀性的定量探讨,气象科学,2014-12-01
- 基于WRF-NoahLSM耦合模型的江苏省淮北地区土壤旱情评估,水电能源科学,2014-10-01
- Uncertainties on the simulated summer precipitation over Eastern China from the CMIP5 models,Journal of Geophysical Research - Atmospheres,2013-07-04
- Simulating the response of non-uniformity of precipitation extremes over China to CO2 increasing by MIROC_HIRES model,Journal of Tropical Meteorology,2013-12-04
- The heterogeneity of Meiyu rainfall over Yangtze-Huaihe River Valley and its relationship with oceanic surface heating and intraseasonal Variability,Theoretical and Applied Climatology,2012-05-04
- Multi-scale analysis of warm extremes over China,ICIST2011,2011-10-04
- Decadal variation of different durations of continuous Meiyu precipitation and the possible cause,Chinese Sci Bull,2011-02-04
- 梅雨期江淮地区极端高温事件的非均匀性特征及其与环流系统的配置,地球物理学报,2010-10-01
- 北疆极端降水事件的区域性和持续性特征分析,冰川冻土,2011-06-04
- 全球变暖情景下中国东部地区不同等级降水变化特征分析,高原气象,2009-08-04
- 物理过程参数化方案对中国夏季降水日变化模拟的影响,地球科学进展,2008-11-04
- Changes of Meiyu system in the future under A1B scenario simulated by MIROC_Hires model,Theoretical and Applied Climatology,2016-02-01
- The Different Configurations of the East Asian Polar Front Jet and Subtropical Jet and the Associated Rainfall Anomalies over Eastern China in Summer,Journal of Climate,2014-11-04
- Can reanalysis datasets describe the persistent temperature and precipitation extremes over China?,THEORETICAL AND APPLIED CLIMATOLOGY,2017-01-01
- The Atmospheric Moisture Residence Time and Reference Time for Moisture Tracking over China,JOURNAL OF HYDROMETEOROLOGY,2018-01-01
- Recent heterogeneous warming and the associated summer precipitation over eastern China,Theoretical and Applied Climatology,2016-02-01
- Temporal and spatial variations of soil moisture - Precipitation feedback in East China during the East Asian summer monsoon period: A sensitivity study,ATMOSPHERIC RESEARCH,2018-01-01
- A modeling study of the influence of initial soil moisture on summer precipitation during the East Asian summer monsoon,DYNAMICS OF ATMOSPHERES AND OCEANS,2019-01-01
- 性爱直播-华人性爱直播 工程水文与水文气象研究所,副所长
- 江苏省气象学会第十六届理事会,常务理事
- 江苏省水文气象创新研究中心,副主任
- 河海大学第二十届教师讲课竞赛青年组,河海大学,朱坚,2013,校级,一等奖
- 性爱直播-华人性爱直播 “五四青年奖”,河海大学,朱坚,2017,校级
- 第七届全国水利类专业青年教师讲课竞赛,行业教指委,朱坚,2020,省级,二等奖